Hi! I'm Joseph Springer.
I made this site so that you can get to know me better.
About Me:
About Me:
I recently graduated from UC Berkeley with a Data Science major, and somewhere along the way a Physics minor snuck in as well. I currently teach coding and physics, and am interested in any opportunities in data science or software engineering.
For a more comprehensive brag about my academic accomplishments, check out my Resume.
My Hobbies:
My Hobbies:
I love creative endeavors. Writing, game design, music production, painting, you name it! You can find examples of my work at the Hobbies pages.
My Favorite Things:
My Favorite Things:
I also love appreciating things created by other people. Music, Literature, board games — I'm always in awe at the boundlessness of human creativity. My thoughts on all these things can be found at the Favorite Things page.